
This is a picture that I did on paint.
But it does not look like me.

One of the targa rally cars came to drop off my mate Brandon at school. The car was really loud and really small but it went fast. I think it was a mini or something like that. Everyone came around and looked at it and some people got posters and Mc Donald's stuff.

Science fair

The science fair is soon and I have a team but we don't know what we are going to make. Its really hard trying to think what to do, First we where going to make a phone cage we where going to make a cage put the phone in it so no one would play with it or delete your numbers. Then we where going to make off roller blades, we where going to get normal roller blades and change the wheels and put some springs on it. We didn't know how we where going to do it. So know we are thinking of a new thing to do.


Our hall is just about finished now but over the last term lots of people have been helping out to collect money, like mufti days we give one or two dollars.
It will be awesome when it's done. I think there just waiting for the floors and the seating. We have to sit on the AstroTurf sometimes it would be windy or raining and really cold on cold days.


The marae that we went to in the first term. It was an awesome day. In the morning we got on the bus and went there, we went inside. After that we walked over to te puia and had lunch, we wondered around with our guide and she showed us lots of interesting things like the geysers and mud pools. It was a really good day but it was a shame that we couldn't stay the night.

Swimming sports day was cool because we got to go and watch people swim and swim if we wanted to. Lots of people dressed up in there house colors like Solomon is orange, Reid is green, Bosson is blue and Morrison is purple. We make up flags and banners to hold up and cheer on our house we do it every year and it is awesome. Some times the teachers have a swimming race and I think that miss D won.

My teacher is really awesome and funny. But some times if you talk a lot she can get grumpy. Her favorite color is orange because she is Solomon house. Also because she is the house caption of Solomon. When we go around the streets running she takes her bike and rides around to see that we are and not being silly.